daily special 12/22/23

Pick-up times for Christmas “pre-order” menus will be on your order sheet and also listed on the EVENT page on our website. A-M, pick-up time is 2:00-3:30pm.  N-Z, your pick-up time is 3:30-5pm.  We close at 5pm. Call 501-663-5951 for details. Happy Holidays!!! We now...

daily specials 12/21/23

SOUP: All Locations…Butternut Squash with Crème Fraiche and Parsley. DINNER SPECIAL: Beef Bourguignon with Cippolini Onions, Cremini Mushrooms, Carrots, and Mashed Potatoes.   $22

daily specials 12/20/23

SOUP: All Locations…Creamy Cauliflower with House Bacon, Parmesan, Bread Crumbs, and Parsley. DINNER SPECIAL: Pork Loin Stuffed with Spinach, Goat Cheese, House Bacon and Walnuts.  Served with Roasted New Potatoes, Local Braised Collard Greens, and Pear-Cranberry...

daily specials 12/19/23

SOUP: Heights… French Green Lentil with Goat Cheese, Orange Oil, and Parsley. Main and Baptist…Creamy Cauliflower with House Bacon, Parmesan, Bread Crumbs, and Parsley. DINNER SPECIAL: Baked Half Chicken with Roasted Broccoli, Truffled Mac & Cheese, and Mushroom...

daily specials 12/18/23

SOUP: All Locations… French Green Lentil with Goat Cheese, Orange Oil, and Parsley. DINNER SPECIAL: Meatless Monday…Cauliflower Steak and Frites with Cranberry-Pecan-Kale Salad, and Garlic-Romesco Sauce. $17