We are hiring a baker and a part-time delivery driver. Please email your resume to boulevardbread@gmail.com or drop in to our Heights location between 2-4 pm to fill out an application.
Mask Policy: We are requiring that customers wear masks at all locations when not seated at a table.
Online ordering is now available at our Heights location ONLY until 3:30 pm, Mon-Sat. Please go to boulevardbread.com for details!
SOUP: Heights…Gazpacho with Heirloom Tomato-Corn Relish. Main and Baptist…House Sausage with White Bean, Kale, Potato, and Green Onions.
DINNER: Chicken Paprikash with House Spaetzle, Roasted Local Armstead Farm Potatoes, Carrots, Sour Cream, and Parsley. $18
SPECIAL BURGER: Farmer’s Burger with House Smoked Bacon, Egg, Cheddar, Arkansas Spring Mix, Heirloom Tomatoes, and Aioli. $16
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