Boulevard Bread is hiring front of house staff, a baker and a part time delivery driver. Please send a resume to or drop in to our Heights location between 2-4pm to fill out an application.

Online ordering is now available at our Heights location ONLY until 3:30 pm, Mon-Sat. Please go to for details! Receive a free cookie for the FIRST10 customers ordering online in a day!

Please Note: Boulevard does not use delivery services such as postmates, grubhub, etc. Their posting of our menus was done without our permission and may include incorrect products and pricing.

Happy Hour is from 3:30pm-5:30pm on Friday and Saturday only. DINNER DINE-IN is on Friday and Saturday evenings ONLY. Cocktail classes and all other special events will continue on Thursday evenings. All other hours and food service will remain the same. 


Heights 7am-7pm Mon-Sat. Sun Brunch 8am-2pm. 

Bistro Dinner 3:30pm-10:00pm Fri & Sat ONLY

SOMA 7am-2pm Mon-Sat

Baptist 8am-3pm Mon-Fri

Boulevard Daily Specials 7/21/21

 SOUP: All Locations…Cream of Local Mushroom with Armstead Farm Spring Onions.

 DINNER: Pork and Beef Bolognese with San Marzano Tomato Sauce, Parmesan, Parsley and Garlic Bread. $18